boogermann.bankpanic - 0.1.0

Bank Panic © 1984 Sega.
A reaction-based shoot-em-up in which the player takes on the role of a gun-slinging Deputy, who has been charged with protecting the town bank from outlaws.
Each stage contains twelve numbered doors, with three doors visible on-screen at any one time. The player must scroll the screen left or right to bring other doors into view. At regular intervals, one or more doors will open to reveal either a bank customer or an outlaw. The customers must be allowed to deposit their money unharmed while the outlaws must be shot before they have a chance to shoot the deputy. Some of the outlaws must be shot twice before they are killed. If the player kills an innocent citizen, a player life is lost.
Note: You must provide your own roms to use this core.
Developer(s) Sanritsu Denki Publisher(s) JP/EU: Sega US: Bally-Midway Release 1984
This Implementation of a compatible Bank Panic/Combat Hawk arcade hardware in HDL is the work of Pierre Cornier.
Analogue Pocket port by Marcus Andrade (Boogermann)
All trademarks, logos, and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
The authors and contributors or any of its maintainers are in no way associated with or endorsed by Sega or Sanritsu.