Mazamars312.PC Engine CD_Analogizer - 1.0.3

Adapted for Analogizer by RndMnkIII Orginal Port by agg23, PCECD core parts added by Mazamars312 for Analogue Pocket. Core by Gregory Estrade, srg320, and greyrogue
The CD-ROMĀ² is an add-on attachment for the PC Engine that was released in Japan on December 4, 1988. The add-on allows the core versions of the console to play PC Engine games in CD-ROM format in addition to standard HuCards. This made the PC Engine the first video game console to use CD-ROM as a storage media.
Currently supports standard PC Engine/TurboGrafx CD Roms only. Please report all issues to Mazamars312, as most likely any issues experienced are issues with the port, not the core.