boogermann.supervision - 0.1.1

Supervision © 1992 Watara.
The Watara Supervision, also known as the QuickShot Supervision in the UK, is a monochrome handheld game console, originating from Asia, and introduced in 1992 as a cut-price competitor for Nintendo’s Game Boy. It came packaged with a game called Crystball, which is similar to Breakout. One unique feature of the Supervision was that it could be linked up to a television via a link cable. Games played in this way would display in four colors, much like Nintendo’s Super Game Boy add-on for the SNES. A full color TV link was also in the works, but because of the Supervision’s failure to make a major impression among gamers it was cancelled, along with the games which were in development for it.
This Implementation of a compatible Watara Supervision hardware in HDL is the work of Pierre Cornier and Jamie Blanks.
Analogue Pocket port by Marcus Andrade (Boogermann)
All trademarks, logos, and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
The authors and contributors or any of its maintainers are in no way associated with or endorsed by Watara.